

Personality and the Radical Stress of Social Isolation

  • May 10, 2021
  • General
  • John M. Oldham, M.D., & Lois B. Morris

BY JOHN M. OLDHAM, M.D. & LOIS B. MORRIS No matter how resilient our personality styles may be, we are all susceptible to the radical stress of a year of social isolation.  We humans are social animals.  Whether we’re naturally outgoing or reserved, we need to be with each other.  Adjusting to constraint is hard […]

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Podcast: Dr. Oldham Talks About Personality Disorders and Styles

What is a personality disorder? What’s a personality type or style?  How can you tell the difference?   What can you do about personality patterns that are causing you–or your colleagues, family, friends–a lot of grief and discomfort? Listen to Dr. John Oldham’s  wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Bridget Nash on

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Scammers and Schemers

  Pretty frequently these days there is a big news story about the latest con artist who seemed to have pulled off an amazing scam until the glittering house of cards collapsed. Bernie Madoff comes to mind, referred to in Wikipedia as “the confessed operator of the largest Ponzi scheme in world history, and the […]

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        ARE YOU A CAT PERSON? Whether you are an “agreeable” type or have neurotic leanings, researchers who surveyed more than 3,000 cat owners in the UK found that your personality is likely making an impact on how your cat behaves. University of London and Nottingham Trent University researchers point out that the personality/behavior matchup […]

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Are you a conscientious person: organized, detail-oriented, reliable, dutiful, focused on work, predictable and orderly? If so, according to The Journal of Sex Research, you and your partner are probably having good sex. Researchers at Ruhr University Bochum, in Germany, studied 964 couples to see how personality affected their sex lives. They gave them questionnaires […]

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Dr. John Oldham commends Pete Davidson on Good Morning America

Watch Dr. Oldham, an expert in personality styles and personality disorders,  as he commends comedian Pete Davidson for being open about his diagnosis of borderline personality disorder on Good Morning America. Dr. Oldham is the interim chief of staff at the Menninger Clinic in Houston.

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  • November 19, 2018
  • Dr. Oldham
  • John M. Oldham, M.D.

  John M. Oldham, MD Why is it that so few people who recover from an episode of severe depression never have another one? This question, addressed in a recent New York Times article, brought to mind one of my own: What does personality have to do with it? Flourishing After Depression In the New […]

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